California residents have the right to submit privacy requests regarding their personal information, pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Please complete this form if you are a California resident and you wish to make a request in accordance with your privacy rights.

“Sales” and targeted advertising / “sharing” of online data

You can opt out of “sales” and “sharing” of offline data by completing the form below. You can opt out of “sales” and “sharing” of online data by using our cookie preference manager in the lower left of every page on the site and checking the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” box and clicking the “Save My Preferences” button

    Request type

    Request to know/access personal informationRequest to correct personal informationRequest to delete personal informationRequest to opt out of sale/sharing

    Authorized agents may initiate a request on behalf of another individual by contacting us at Authorized agents will be required to provide proof of their authorization, and we may also require that the relevant consumer directly verify their identity and the authority of the authorized agent.